Grassroots IP Awareness
Promoting community oriented efforts and messaging aimed at empowering creators of underserved communities in owning, protecting, and monetizing their intellectual property
IIPSJ takes a targeted approach to grassroots intellectual property awareness by utilizing learning workshops, advocating for specific public policy measures and developing relevant public service update campaigns in order to bring IP to the masses, especially the lost Einsteins. Events such as IP for the People, public policy campaigns such as Increasing Inventor Diversity and educational resources such as Updates on Student Athletes NIL do just that.
Latest in Grassroots IP Awareness

IP for the People 'Ask Me Anything' style Events
The new Intellectual Property for the People educational webinar series is for Creators, inventors, and entrepreneurs from communities of color who have historically and continually been unable to access key knowledge and resources to protect and profit from their ideas. The series brings understanding to the IP rights and resources available to you. Each webinar in the series will feature a presentation, resources for additional information, and time for questions from the audience.

Advocacy for Inventor Diversity
Economic power is often dependent upon intellectual property. IIPSJ seeks to empower minority and marginalized communities as inventors to compete for and attain a stake in the 21st century economy.

Educational Resources
COMING SOON: Downloadable Content such as Updates Student Athletes NIL are among many of the educational resources provided to increase grassroots awareness of IP.