To date, IIPSJ has conducted CLE and other collaborations with colleges and universities in the Caribbean and South Africa.
Our Foreign Scholar Residency Program exposes participants to US practices that inform their professional work.
IIPSJ is an official NGO Affiliate of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
IIPSJ has issued position statements and participated in programs and discussions with the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Act (ACTA), and Trans-Pacific Partners (TPP) agreement
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Blog Post: IIPSJ Attendance at the 65th World Intellectual Property Organization General Assemblies
July 25, 2024
(WIPO GA) (Geneva, 9-17 July 2024) By Dr. Metka Potočnik (she/her/hers), Senior Lecturer in Law, Wolverhampton Law School IIPSJ attended the 65th World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) General Assemblies (GA), in their capacity as the WIPO Accredited Observer. Now attending regularly, IIPSJ participated in the official hearings at the WIPO Headquarters in Geneva, with the Associate Director for International Programs, Dr. Metka Potočnik, attending the length of the proceedings in person. These assemblies brought together another record number of delegates. A full list of participants is available here, and all the sessions are available for viewing here. IIPSJ attended the GA sessions for the second time in Geneva, after having observed several WIPO meetings online, since 2020. IIPSJ continues to take the GA meetings as an opportunity to build strategic partnerships with Member States and other stakeholders, interested in creating access, inclusion and empowerment for…
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In 2004, IIPSJ participated in a continuing legal education endeavor conducted at the Norman Manley Law School, as part of a broader effort to establish an academic and professional exchange relationship between the University of the West Indies and the Howard University School of Law.
Initially, American and Caribbean practitioners would develop and present intellectual property CLE seminars at UWI’s various campuses, and in later stages of the program, UWI legal scholars and other Caribbean attorneys would present seminars and lectures at HUSL and at the various American professional associations, corporations, and law firms which sponsor IIPSJ’s professional programs and scholarly projects.
The success of this program has prompted IIPSJ to undertake the development of an ongoing collaboration intended to provide continuing legal education in the field of intellectual property practice.
IIPSJ has also supported artistic initiatives by Caribbeans living in the D.C. area.
The IIPSJ Fellow in Residence for 2010, Shiveta Sooknanan, has helped develop the IIPSJ Caribbean Program.

In cooperation with the HUSL South African Overseas Study Program, both IIPSJ DIrector Lateef Mtima and IIPSJ Associate Director Steven Jamar have taught international IP transactions at the University of the Western Cape in Capetown, South Africa.
IIPSJ hopes to develop this relationship further in coming years.

Foreign Scholar Program
Our first participant was IIPSJ Foreign Scholar in Residence Takayuki Kaneda. Mr. Kaneda is a Patent Examiner in the Fourth Patent Examination Department, Video System Division, Japan Patent Office. While in residence at IIPSJ he studied the operations of the USPTO.