We work to ensure that inventors, artists, and entrepreneurs obtain the tools to fully realize the economic value of their creative works and inventions. As our world becomes ever more dependent upon technological and scientific developments, we are forced to engage in these issues of access.
This is the work of IIPSJ.
Our Legal Filings
IIPSJ routinely submits written comments to federal courts and agencies advocating the social justice perspective on intellectual property.
Beginner's Guide
Take a look at our beginner’s guide and start tackling some of the issues in your community.
IIPSJ Programs
IIPSJ sponsors, organizes, and conducts a variety of programs which explore the social justice obligations of intellectual property law. Through these programs, IIPSJ seeks to:
Increase minority and underrepresented groups in the practicing IP bar
Consider IP legal issues with social justice implications
Use IP to empower creators and inventors in minority and marginalized communities
Serve as a catalyst for action by others in each of these areas

Get Involved
Whether you come from a background of intellectual property law or social justice work, we invite you to make use of our resources.
What if social justice was a pill that was patented and could save the lives of millions of people, but it never reached those people because they are poor?
What if social justice was a song with a copyright, but the people who created the song couldn’t sing it without paying someone else?
What if social justice was a trademark, but it was used on products to pollute urban communities and oppress the poor?
March 2, 2023
Online only

Save the date for our 20th Annual IP and Social Justice CLE & the 5th Annual Microsoft Tech Law Summit! Online only. March 2-3, 2023. Sign up for our newsletter to be notified when details are available.
Learn More
September 29, 2022
FROM 7:00 pm TO 8:00 pm
Online Conference

Do you have an idea for a new invention? If so, you’ve probably got some intellectual property rights and need to know what to do about it. During this 1 hour webinar, we will provide: an explanation of what intellectual property rights are; Check out our webpage for additional details: Intellectual Property Education – IIPSJ
Have you recently started a new online business venture?
Are you an artist that created new art recently?
real-world examples of how they come up in your business ideas and creative processes;
an interview with an author that will share how she learned more about IP law and how that has helped her;
resources for more information, including how to get free or low cost legal help; and
time for questions.
October 28, 2022
Online Conference

Save the date for the 2022 IP Mosaic Conference!
October 28-29, 2022
Co-hosted by Marquette University Law School
Bookmark our webpage for additional details: https://iipsj.org/programs/ip-mosaic/
Learn More

During this 1 hour session, participants will learn: Webinar Speakers: Moderators: Lisa Nguyen, Partner – Allen & Overy LLP Leeandria Williams, Legal Intern – IIPSJ Panelists: Micheal Binns, Associate General Counsel and Head of Patent Portfolio Strategy (Family of Apps) and IP Trade Secret Protection – Meta Danielle Coleman, Senior Director and Associate General Counsel, Global Litigation – VMware Jessica Thomson, Patent Counsel – The Walt Disney Company Check out our past webinars on our YouTube page. Creators, inventors, and entrepreneurs from communities of color have historically and continually been unable to access key knowledge and resources to protect and profit from their ideas. In response, we’ve created our new Intellectual Property Education Webinar Series to help you understand and explore the rights and resources available to you. Each webinar in the series will feature a presentation, resources for additional information, and time for questions from the audience. Check out our event webpage for more information and to find details on future events: https://iipsj.org/ip-education/