Diversity & Innovation and College Athlete NIL
Catch up on posts from our October newsletter
Blog Post on the Importance of Diversity and Innovation
Last month the USPTO launched the National Council for Expanding American Innovation (NCEAI) initiative. The initiative includes representatives from private companies, academia, and government to help the agency develop a comprehensive national strategy to build a more diverse and inclusive innovation ecosystem.
As we explore ways to build this ecosystem, we must acknowledge why this is important to the country as a whole and specifically in minority communities, identify current barriers to equal access and opportunities, and provide solutions for breaking down those barriers. Read more here.
What’s Next For College Athletes Under Fair Pay to Play Act
Since California passed its Fair Pay to Play Act last year, four other states have passed similar acts. Those states are Colorado, Nebraska, Florida, and New Jersey. The NCAA has also released a statement that they are reviewing policies to allow college athletes to be paid for use of their NIL. Last month, U.S. Representatives Anthony Gonzalez and Emanuel Cleaver introduced the Student Athlete Level Playing Field Act, which is bipartisan legislation aimed at allowing college athletes to profit from use of their NIL.
Howard University School of Law’s Intellectual Property Student Association (“IPSA”) is in the process of updating research on current legislative proposals regarding NIL. This research will be imputed into a one-pager that more thoroughly addresses the need for particular federal legislation in this area. Read more about the students’ plan here.