
January 2022 IP and Social Justice Newsletter

Catch up on posts from our January newsletter.

SOPA/PIPA 10 Years Later

For the next two months, Creative Commons will be hosting a number of events to commemorate the tenth-year anniversary of the historic internet-wide blackout that occured in protest of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA) – known as “SOPA/PIPA.” Our long-time supporters may remember our efforts including submission of a letter to Congress in opposition of the Acts.

The “SOPA Plus 10” campaign has been organized with Creative Commons’s goal of “promot[ing] the values of free and open internet, build[ing] a better internet, improv[ing] access to information, and generat[ing] better sharing of news information.” For more information about the events or the SOPA Plus 10 campaign, visit Creative Commons.

Government IP Office Updates

USPTO offers more FREE resources for inventors and entrepreneurs

Copyright Office publishes 5 year goals in 20222026 Strategic Plan, Fostering Creativity and Enriching Culture

WIPO news including NEW Global Awards Program for SMEs and launch of Young Experts Program

Copyright in the Community

This new book showcases the works of dozens of currently and formerly incarcerated writers and otherwise explores the ways in which intellectual property endeavor (and legal protection for such achievement) can promote individual and community empowerment.


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